Having Your Home Listed Over the Holidays

listing your home, selling your home, holidaysIf you are planning to sell your home in the next few months, it is wise to plan to maximize the sale of your home. As the temperatures are cooling and the days are getting shorter, we are starting to think of the coming fall and winter seasons.  We will also start to think of the many special holidays we will be celebrating in the next few months.

The good news is that buyers who are looking over the holidays tend to be more serious.  We have put together some simple tips that will ease the pressure of having your home listed and ready to show over the holidays.  We will help you get through the chaos of the holiday season while making sure your home is ready to be found by its new owners. 


Curb Appeal should be a top priority

Before the snow arrives work with your REALTORⓇ to get the outside of your home photographed by a professional to ensure that the prospective buyers can clearly visualize the beautiful outside of your home. The same goes for the inside; stage it professionally and have the photographs taken. This will allow buyers to see the potential of your home before any seasonal decorations.

Now that autumn is rolling in your lawn is starting to look less groomed and your trees are starting to lose their leaves. Maintaining the exterior of your home becomes even more important than in the summer months.  Your leafless trees mean that more of your home is exposed. Take the time to touch up the paint, clean out your gutters, rake your leaves and maximize the look of your yard. Some seasonal plants and lawn furniture may improve the overall look of your home.

As we know, many potential buyers will drive by listed homes to get an overall impression. If the outside is not impressive, they will check out other homes. The care you take of your outside space is noticed just as much as your inside space.  The prospective buyers will want to walk around your yard. Keep safety in mind as well by making sure stairs and walkways are free of snow, ice and leaves. When the snow arrives, ensure that your driveway and walkways are shoveled well.

Make your home cozy

Impress buyers with how inviting your home is by making it feel warm and cozy for their showings, especially as the cooler weather sets in. You can make buyers feel comfortable and encourage them  to spend more time in your home: turn up the temperature of your home, play soft music, offer homemade treats, remove any unpleasant odors (boiling water with cinnamon on the stove can help) and have the fireplace blazing.  Potential buyers will have a positive experience in your home, and it will give them more time to admire its best features.

Decorate for the holiday, just don’t go overboard

First impressions are lasting impressions.  When preparing your home for sale, decluttering and removing all the extra personal items that you accumulate is important to prepare your house for pictures and showings.  Less is more when it comes to decorating around the holidays. Talk to your REALTORⓇ about what the right amount is for your home. 

Consider moving special family social events to an alternative location

The holidays can be stressful enough without trying to keep your home ready to show at a moment's notice.  If you are the one that usually hosts the family for dinner or special occasion you might want to consider passing the torch to another family member this year.  You can resume your hosting duties next year in your new home. Alternatively, if you are leaving town for the holidays let your REALTORⓇ know and they can auto-confirm the appointments, so it is easier for potential buyers to get into to see your home.

We are here to help with whatever you need to get your house sold over the holidays.  Never hesitate to reach out to your REALTORⓇ; he or she can help navigate all the ups and downs of selling your house.  Your REALTORⓇ will work hard for you over the holidays and make sure that you are covered. They will ease your stress and give you peace of mind so you can enjoy the holiday season.